Z Speaks
Project Type: UX/ UI
Programs Used: Illustrator, Adobe Audition
Description: The American Dream doesn’t look like white picket fences, nuclear family homes, and gender norms to the average, young American anymore. This project centers around the shared ideologies of Generation Z and aims to discover similarities around the topic of the optics of America’s future. Executed in a conversational, interview-based podcast, the goal of its design is to match the energy of 2020's outspoken youth.

This was my Capstone Project, created during the final semester of my undergrad (Spring 2020). My project underwent significant changes due to COVID-19. Keep reading to see my process!
Adobe XD prototype

ZSpeaks Episode 1 : Defining America

ZSpeaks Episode 2 : Leading America
cover photo mockup: <a href="https://www.freepik.com/psd/device-mockup">Device mockup psd created by rawpixel.com - www.freepik.com</a>